Climate Resilient Riparian Systems Grants

The Environmental Protection Agency awarded Ecology funds to develop a grant program and facilitate subawards of these funds toward improving the climate resiliency of riparian systems in Puget Sound. Ecology is working in partnership with riparian restoration and protection experts to start a new Climate Resilient Riparian Systems Lead grant program. The program is a coalition between Ecology, the Washington State Conservation Commission, and Bonneville Environmental Foundation. The goal of the program is to promote programs that catalyze sustainable, effective, reach-scale riparian restoration and permanent protection in Puget Sound. 

The Climate Resilient Riparian Systems Lead program focuses on protecting and restoring riparian areas that have been damaged or are struggling to support the plants, animals, and waters of Puget Sound. It also aims to maintain and learn from pristine riparian systems. The new program will support riparian restoration programs that work with communities and landowners to improve the overall function of river and stream riparian systems. 

Funding cycle

  • Amount of funding available: $9 million
  • Grant award limit: Up to $2.75 million, with a minimum award limit of $500,000
  • Amount of matching funds required: There is no recipient match or requirement since Ecology, the host agency, has contributed match funding as part of the program. Match may be requested for certain project elements to showcase the investment of the local partners to receive funding.

Applications are not being accepted at this time.

Applicants can initiate and submit applications beginning November 5, 2024. All applications must be submitted before 5 p.m. on January 15, 2025.  

Proposals received at or before the deadline will be scored and rated by a review team.  

Completed applications will be submitted directly through Ecology’s EAGL (Ecology's Administration of Grants and Loans) system. The application itself includes attachments that can be downloaded from EAGL, including a Microsoft Word application and supporting documents. Consider confirming that your application is complete and received by the due date with the Request For Proposal (RFP) Coordinator.

Potential applicants are highly encouraged to contact Ecology staff early in the project development process.  The Grant Lead, Grant Project Manager, and/or Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Analyst can answer questions regarding project eligibility, applying for funding, and spatial data/mapping components. These staff members are also available to provide technical assistance on pre-application project concepts and early scopes of work to identify ways to help you craft a stronger application.

Ecology will host an informational applicant webinar to answer questions on this funding opportunity. Applicants can email the RFP Coordinator, Libby Gier, with questions as well as attend one or more virtual technical assistance opportunities. Subject matter experts will be able to provide advice for pre-application projects during two scheduled virtual “office hours” opportunities; times are listed on the first page of the solicitation. The office hours will be an opportunity for applicants to ask project and program-specific questions prior to submitting an application.

Funding is available for the following entities:

The project’s geographic focus area must be within the Puget Sound region. The Puget Sound region includes Puget Sound, related inland marine waters, and all salt waters of Washington State south of the international boundary line between Washington and British Columbia, lying east of the junction of the Pacific Ocean and the Strait of Juan de Fuca. This includes all the rivers and streams draining to Puget Sound as mapped by water resource inventory areas (WRIA) 1 through 19.

Eligible applicants for the Climate Resilient Riparian Systems competitive grant solicitation include: 

  • Conservation districts 
  • Local government: counties, cities/towns 
  • Federally recognized Tribes and Tribal organizations 
  • Non-profit organizations that are recognized as tax-exempt by the Internal Revenue Service 
  • Institutions of higher education if the project is not included in the institution’s statutory responsibilities 

State agencies and for-profit entities are not eligible to apply and cannot be lead applicants on a proposal. However, they may serve as supporting partners with a non-profit or otherwise eligible entity to submit applications. Applicants will be required to send a Tribal awareness letter to area Tribes that overlap with their proposed focus area and submit a copy of the letter in their application and letters of support from supporting partners along with the application.

Climate Resilient Riparian Systems investment priorities included in the 2024 Investment Plan include:  

  • Priority A: Collaborative, reach-scale planning and outreach 
  • Priority B: Native plant materials 
  • Priority C: Landowner incentives  
  • Priority D: Riparian restoration implementation  
  • Priority E: Maintenance, monitoring, and adaptive management  
  • Priority F: Permanent protection of riparian habitat  

Applicants can select any or all of the investment priorities to develop new riparian programs or further the work they are already engaged in to improve riparian conditions in Puget Sound. We encourage applicants to think in a collaborative, visionary, and innovative manner to tackle some of the large and common issues faced by all riparian systems. Applicants will be asked to describe the overlaying issues in their area and provide justification for the work based on environmental conditions, projected or current climate impacts, social context, and a collaborative strategy.

Note: We may assign and re-distribute any funds that are awarded to a recipient and are not used prior to the end of the grant agreement, as needed, to high-performing recipients with projects demonstrating capacity and potential for increased positive impact.

More information about this funding program

Over $17 million will be directed into riparian systems recovery projects and programs over three seperate funding cycles.

The first request for proposals will open in November 5, 2024, at 8 a.m. and close January 15, 2025, at 5 p.m., with an allocation of approximately $9 million in funds available. The 2024 fall solicitation will encourage applicants to propose collaborative and programmatic projects that include activities from one and up to all of the priorities.  

The next funding opportunity will be in spring of 2025, with additional funding available for smaller program needs that will catalyze work in their area, and for innovative research and approaches to address specific challenges. The final full request for proposals will open in the fall of 2025 to once again support programmatic approaches to riparian management. Applicants are encouraged to apply in early rounds.

Climate Resilient Riparian Systems grant program may assign and distribute any funding returned to the program early or savings in other work as needed, to high performing recipients with programs demonstrating capacity and potential for increased positive impact.